Friday, January 23, 2015

Fun Workout!

Have you guys been wanting to get out there and start building some muscle lately? Haha. Of course you have! Who doesn't want to build a stronger body? :D

So, here you go! This is a strenuous workout that will get you sweaty! Hint: Do it with a friend and some music - it somehow always seems more fun!

1) Stretch! Any one you know is good!

2) Start with 10 pushups!

3) 10 sit-ups!

4) 10 squats!

5) Sprint 50 meters as fast as you can!

6) Repeat!

This simple workout is sure to get you sweaty! Bonus points if you get a friend and do it together! Try it out every day for 5 minutes for a week, and see how much better you feel! :D

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Movie Review of Mockingjay: Part 1

Have you guys seen Mockingjay: Part 1 yet? It's been out for a while…I recently saw it, and I thought that I would share with you what I thought.

The Acting: I thought that Josh Hutcherson's part in the movie was subtly helpful to the overall feel of the movie. Though it wasn't a large part, and the words coming out of Peeta's mouth were fed to him by the Capital, you could tell that every cell in his body wanted to say the opposite. It really was a dark feeling.

Jennifer Lawrence, as always, was fabulous. The only thing I have to say about her performance is that at the opening of the movie, her discomfort and trauma seemed about over-dramatic. Toned down a bit probably would have been better. On the other hand, I loved the singing Katniss did in the film - it felt very real, communicating from the heart. I knew that it was really Jennifer singing, not lip-syncing, and that her character was in a place of grief and anger, really not caring whether she sounded good or not. 

The Special Effects: These were necessary to the plot, for the movies have generally been closely following the book. I think they did their job, but in the ending scene with Peeta being tortured, it looked so fake it was actually almost funny. I'm sure that wasn't the emotion that was meant to be conveyed!

The costumes and set: These were very appropriate and were exactly what any reader of the books would expect, such as the signature tough and clean look of Katniss maintained throughout the films. The injured in the hospital and the barren look of the land was extremely appropriate and very well done.

Overall, I thought Mockingjay: Part 1 was a decent movie, better than Hunger Games, yet not as good as Catching Fire. I appreciated the way it followed the book. I am excited to see Part 2! I give this movie a rating of 8/10.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Route to Success!

Good things come to people who 

wait, but better things come to 

those who go out and get them.


I love this quote, because it is really true, and inspires me to go and MAKE things happen for me. So simple, yet true. Don't you think? If you want to read some more truly fabulous quotes, visit:

Tell me which one is your favorite in the comments!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fantastic Hairstyles!

Have you ever gotten up in the morning, feeling UGH, I've got so little time, but I want my hair to look nice? What am I saying, of course! Everyone goes through that when they get up late/and or are lazy (that's me!!!)

Here are some hairstyles I'm sure you would like. I've some of these, and most have taken less than a couple minutes! There are also some haircare suggestions that I found very helpful!

And there are the classics, such as fishtails, waterfall, and french braids! <3 Some of my favorites. Comment for FISHTAIL, +1 for WATERFALL BRAID, and comment twice for FRENCH BRAID.

Also, I have a special surprise for you! Don't you love it? :)

Different types of hair - different types of fun!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fantastic Getty Museum!

During the winter break, I visited Pasadena, California. I visited the fantastic Getty Museum, and enjoyed fantastic architecture, artwork, and history! Yes, you see a sarcophagus. Yes, with a dead body inside. Sorry if I give you nightmares, but don't you think it's cool?

Did you guys check out the elaborate Medusa mosaic? Simply SPECTACULAR! Who knows how long it would have taken to make?

And the details on the gold, especially the granulation on the coins, is simply out of this WORLD! Have you guys taken a look at how much work has been put into the carvings and architecture (inspired by Rome)? The little people depict stories of Roman mythology, such as Achilles heel and Medusa. I thought this was a fantastic trip! :) +1 if you want to go!

Friday, January 9, 2015


Guys! We are having a POETRY COMPETITION! The rules:

1) Your poem can be about anything, as long as it is kid-friendly (would you give it to your little sibling to read?)
2) Your poem DOES NOT have to rhyme.
3) Your poem can be AS LONG AS YOU WANT! If your poem is a couplet, that's okay. If your poem is 300 pages long, that's great too. I'll have fun reading them all. :)
4) Anyone can enter this competition! I have absolutely no age restrictions!
5) Prizes, you ask? Well...I'm not saying anything!

Please reshare and +1! Let's get tons of creative entries. If you've got any questions or want some ideas, please comment below or email me at

A little inspiration (let me know if you want me to share some more pics to inspire your writing:

:) Goodnight, my friends! TGIF!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Inspiring Words :)

poem that Mother Teresa had on the wall of her bedroom is as follows:

"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway."

These are wise words, and the reason Mother Teresa was able to make such a difference is probably because she believed them. You can do anything - it doesn't matter what anyone says! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

5 Facts that You Never Knew!

1) Two things I really enjoy are science and art. What comes to mind when you mix the two together? For me, a fascinating article from People have created artwork with fantastic images of microscopic art. Check out the results from countless entries - beautiful and breathtaking pictures. Which one is your favorite?

2) Do you like chocolate? Or flowers? Or BOTH? Did you know that there is a competely normal looking flower out there that has a distinct scent of chocolate? Sounds pretty yummy to me! Check out this link to learn more about this incredible plant you never knew existed!
3) I bet you guys didn't know that the human body contains a small amount of pure gold! Weird, but true! Learn more at:

4) Ants with clear abdomens, named ghost ants, change to the color of the food they eat! Isn't that weird? Imagine feeding them blue food coloring, and watching them all turn blue!

5) Last one! What do you use bubble wrap for? Wrapping up fragile objects, right? It hasn't always been that way, though. Bubble wrap was originally created to be used as wallpaper! Find out more details at:

Comment and let me know which fact you found the WEIRDEST!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Clover Haiku

Today, I feel really LUCKY for some I forgot to set my alarm, and I still woke up on time, my favorite food is still sitting in the fridge, waiting for me, and I have nothing, nothing at all, in terms of homework! Basically, a free day! I wish I had that luck potion from Harry I could have more of these days...wouldn't that be cool? So...that got me thinking...about luck...and luck got me thinking...about St Patrick's Day...and St Patrick's Day got me thinking about clovers! They are so mysterious and fun to look for. I recall searching all over my elementary school field for a twenty minutes straight, seeking the incredible four-leaf-clover :O So that's what inspired today's haiku, which is smartly entitled, "Clover".

Clovers, oh so green
lucky, they say the things to be
you never know 
Don't forget to submit your own haikus! +1 if you love feeling lucky, and comment your most luckiest incident you've had!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Earth Haiku

Hello, guys! How has it been going? Happy New Year! Tell me what you guys did for New Years in the comments! I would love to hear! So, here's my next haiku. This one is inspired by the beautiful Earth. I deeply respect nature, and the smell of pure Earth is a great thing that makes me feel more you guys know what I mean? So, here it is:

I smell something fresh
flowers, plants, trees, nature I sense
the beauty of earth

Show me your haikus, as I said in the previous posts. I always value your creativity and writing! YAY for 2015!